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Holy Cross Family Ministries Opens the Museum of Family Prayer

,, | September 5, 2019 | By

Holy Cross Family Ministries, a family of ministries that helps families pray together announces the opening of The Museum of Family Prayer: A Contemporary Experience of Father Peyton's Ongoing Ministry in North Easton, Mass.

The Museum of Family Prayer opens Sunday, September 15 at 2 p.m. Eastern time, and continues the work of Venerable Patrick Peyton's mission of encouraging families to pray daily, particularly the Rosary. Father Patrick Peyton, a priest of the Congregation of the Holy Cross, was a Catholic media pioneer and now sainthood candidate, who founded Family Rosary in 1942 and Family Theater Productions in 1947.

The museum offers a unique, interactive experience of prayer using digital media for the entire family to experience together. The museum is expected to attract those on pilgrimage who will be traveling to the museum for spiritual reasons, as well as visitors and guests who want to explore more about prayer.

It will offer a lively, interactive experience allowing those who visit to touch, listen and watch, reflect and pray.

"Our work is to educate, inform and celebrate the mission of Father Patrick Peyton as well as educate and enlighten those who journey here to learn more about the power of prayer," says Father Willy Raymond, C.S.C., president, Holy Cross Family Ministries. "In order to engage in this technology-filled world, The Museum of Family Prayer is filled with impactful images, digital and audio media and projected prayers to show that in every corner of the world people are praying — Catholics, other Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and others — this commonality unites, rather than divides. The Museum is open to everyone, of every faith."

The Museum of Family Prayer shares the power of family prayer through state-of-the-art interactive, educational, reflective and immersive opportunities through exhibits, graphics, media content, a family room and chapel -- creating a lively, interactive experience allowing guests to touch, listen and watch, reflect and pray, all with the focus of prayer and the works of Father Peyton. Guests can see and hear audio and video messages on the Blessed Virgin Mary and relax in The Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Chapel.

Father Peyton known as the "Rosary Priest," would continually remind families worldwide that "The family that prays together stays together." Father Peyton's ministry is still strong and vibrant and after more than 70 years and continues to support families in 17 countries. The museum is a showcase of his vision, work and, of course, the power of prayer.

"In today's world, prayer is needed now more than ever," says Father Willy. "We continue Father Peyton's legacy promoting the power of prayer. We hope that the Museum's multimedia experience speaks to those who are looking for inspiration, exploration and connections."

The museum explores the roots of prayer and the Rosary, along with an exploration of Father's Peyton's early life and seminary years, to his time in Hollywood, working in radio and film, and his connections to Hollywood stars.

A true prayer destination for pilgrims and guests alike, the museum is open Wednesdays through Sundays, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern, and admission is free. Click here for the official Website.

About Holy Cross Family Ministries 

Holy Cross Family Ministries (HCFM) is a family of Catholic ministries that inspire, promote and foster the prayer life and spiritual well-being of families throughout the world.  Through Family Rosary, Family Theater Productions, the Father Peyton Family Institute and Catholic Mom, they offer families a variety of prayer activities, resources and media to support the spirituality of the family and now offer guests, pilgrims and others to experience The Museum of Family Prayer: A Contemporary Experience of Father Peyton's Ongoing Ministry in North Easton, Mass. HCFM helps families pray together through media including film, television, radio, apps, and internet video content and social media. Its goal is to continue the mission and vision of founder Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C.


Image: Courtesy Holy Cross Family Ministries

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