During the COVID-19 shutdown, with many young Catholics from grade school to college studying at home, Family Theater Productions' Catholic Central web series has been there to help entertain and educate young people about the Faith.
Now, FTP has released another web series that does the same, but this time for the Spanish-speaking audience.
Lente Católico, with hosts Diana Dorempz Campos and Esteban de la Isla, launches this summer on lentecatolico.com and at LenteCatólicoTV on YouTube (as with Catholic Central, the website provides additional information and downloadable materials).
In fast-paced short episodes, laced with humor and animation, Lente Católico presents an unexpected approach to faith that ignites young Latinos with a hip presentation of the Catholic faith that brings the truth of the Gospel to the young without compromising the Catechism.
View the trailer here:
“Young people are hungry for truth and Lente Católico provides a peer-to-peer conversation that is engaging, conversational and fun,” says Rev. Rafael Capó, national leader of an Hispanic youth ministry and contributor to Lente. “Hispanic youth need role models whom they can relate to for a better understanding of what it means to be a Catholic, and role models who inspire them to live their faith day-to-day.”
The new video series is available on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and is suitable for the entire family. Parents and children can watch together and deepen their faith with joy and humor on topics such as “What does it mean to be pro-life?”or “Why is it necessary that I receive the Eucharist?”
“We are offering young Latinos a new way to look at their faith, on a fresh platform,” says Father David Guffey, C.S.C., National Director of Family Theater Productions and executive producer of Lente Católico. “A series like this also helps parishes, youth ministries and Catholic schools to provide a relatable content alternative to its Hispanic parishioners and students.”
Ignite your summer and entire year!
Here's a look at our latest episode:
Image: Family Theater Productions
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