Say It More...
There are certain phrases that no one hears, or speaks, enough:
“I love you", "I'm sorry", "Can I help you?", “I Need you”, or simply, "Thank you”.
For the love of your family and the peace of the world…
Say It More… pass it on….
Share your "Say It More" story with us on social media or by clicking the button above!
Tell us when you see the billboard in your area.
Tell us about a moment when these words made an impact in your life.

Sometimes "I love you" is all you need to say. Those words never fail to bring a smile to someone's face.

"I'm sorry" can be the first step toward reconciliation and healing.

It is in giving that we receive.

Don't be afraid to let your loved ones know that you need them. That honesty can bring everyone closer together.

Gratitude has the power to make someone feel valued, special, and beautiful.
Watch our award-winning faith and family films with your loved ones today!
Families need access to quality, faith-based media more than ever. Family Theater Productions produces video and media work that enables families to grow in the faith and spiritually develop. No matter where families live or what their situation may be, we serve families in an entertaining, inspiring, and faith-filled way.
Please donate today and support families in need!
This vital work relies on the support of friends like you, who believe in our mission and want to change lives through advancing our work. We invite you to join us today and make a donation to support Family Theater Productions. Thank you!