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Single and Looking? 'The Dating Project' Has a Valentine's Day Viewing Challenge for You

| January 25, 2020 | By

This year, Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, falls on a Friday, and that could make it even tougher for those still searching for love -- and especially those who don't even know where to start.

So, we recommend taking action, gathering together -- whether it's friends or family -- and screening The Dating Project.

Inspired by a dating seminar created by Dr. Kerry Cronin of Boston College, the documentary from Paulist Productions, Mpower Pictures and Family Theater Productions, features Cronin, two of her students and three adult singles -- all between 18 and 40 -- in different cities, as they try to navigate the unfamiliar waters of dating in the 21st Century.

Take a peek at Matt, one of the students:

But before screening the movie (which is available on DVD and on Amazon Prime Video, Google Play, Vudu and YouTube), viewers can head to, where they can request downloadable curricula (click here) designed for different groups to spark discussion, and access Cronin's own Dating Assignment (click here)

You can even license the film to show to youth groups and other formal organizations. Click here to find out about that.

Dr. Cronin advocates for "low-stakes dating," taking it slow, in defined stages, and keeping it simple at the beginning. And, if it didn't work out perfectly on that first date -- provided there were no red flags -- it might be worth a do-over.

Cronin says, “There’s a lot that goes on in a first date about nerves, and we’re all awkward. We’re trying to make our way through the first-date conversation. It’s almost always worthwhile to go on a second and even a third date, just to really see if you can uncover in yourself, and another person, what’s really up with that person.”

In a world of hookups and hanging out, the nearly lost art of dating may be the road to romantic sanity.

Are you ready to take the challenge?


Images: Shutterstock; PureFlix

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